20231020 171158

October 25th 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

It's going to get messy!
Do you have the stomach to be a champion Spaghetti eater?

Contestants will eat as much pasta and sauce with no utensils to see who eat the most in 8 minutes.

Timed pasta eating contest.  Whoever eats the most pasta in 8 minutes is the winner!

$10 entry free is valid for pre-registrants only who register prior to October 25th at 3 p.m.

Same day registrant entry fee is $20 and you are not guaranteed entry.

Prizes up to $200*. 

*Terms and conditions apply.  

The contest will be broken down into 3 categories.
1: <9 years of age
2: 9-14 years of age
3: >14 years of age

Prizes will be awarded as follows:
1: 1st place – $25 cash or equivalent gift card, 2nd place -- free cotton candy, 3rd place -- free snow cone
2:  1st place -- $50 cash or equivalent gift card, 2nd place -- $25, 3rd place – free snow cone
3:  1st place -- $200, 2nd place -- $50, 3rd place – free snow cone

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