P.D.O.P. functions solely on donations and as a supporter you receive a tax deduction receipt as we are a 501c3. We acknowledge donors of over $500 by listing them on the sponsor portion of the home page.
If you don’t want to use the below link we can be contacted to sign you up as a sponsor at sponsors@pdop.info or via our contact page.
Donations of all amounts are accepted.
What better way to “advertise” your company than by supporting and sponsoring P.D.O.P., a non-profit organization that supports the children in our community with special needs.
PDOP Pumpkin Days has been a major event here in the Pahrump Valley for the past 15 years with the weekend attendance topping 3,000 visitors throughout the three-day event. Each year we see increased attendance and this year is estimated to be no different. Don't miss out on the opportunity to advertise while supporting our organization.
Sign Sponsorship $100.00 Business Banner Advertisement.
Pumpkin Patch Sponsorship $150.00 Sign Sponsorship Benefits PLUS Four (4) Weekend Event wristbands.
Hay Pyramid or Hay Maze Sponsorships $250 Pumpkin Patch Sponsorship Benefits PLUS Event announcement for 3 days (1 per day)
Petting Zoo Sponsorship $350 Hay Pyramid Sponsorship Benefits PLUS 2 additional event announcements per day
Event Sponsorship $500 Petting Zoo Sponsorship benefits PLUS Business logo on all event advertisements prior to the event 1 year of online advertising on PDOP's sponsor page Additional two (2) Weekend Event wristbands.
Gold Sponsorship $1000 or above Event Sponsorship benefits PLUS Business logo on event t-shirts Additional 2 event announcements each day. Radio/Newspaper/TV sponsor mention.